v4.0 macOS beta (April 23, 2022)
We are extremely excited to finally announce and reveal the macOS version of LrSuperKeys. The Speed Key editing plugin for Lightroom Classic.
Sporting a shiny new user interface that has been completely redesigned for a modern look.

Shortcut Speed Key & Shortcut Actions
Version 4.0 introduces a powerful new shortcut action feature!

Here are all the details on the new shortcuts…
- Keyboard Shortcuts have been re-imagined!
This new shortcut action feature works seamlessly with Lightroom. This means that all the existing Lightroom keyboard shortcuts will continue to function as normal. How does it work you ask? It’s simple! Similar to the Speed Menu Speed Key, there is now a Shortcut Speed Key. Read on!
With the “Shortcut Speed Key” held down, you activate the shortcut mode. Now, press any other defined action key. This will perform the shortcut’s action you have defined for that key.
There are 3 types of shortcut actions to choose from!
1. Masking Presets: The most powerful! This allows you to choose your favorite masking tool (ie: brush, radial, linear-gradient, subject, sky, etc…) along with your favorite masking preset. Want a keyboard shortcut to “Select Subject” with the Dodge preset applied... all in one click? Or how about “Select Sky” with your favorite sky preset applied, or the Color Range tool with the soften skin preset already applied? Well, there is a shortcut you can create to do just that.
2. Keyboard Shortcuts: Choose from a list of Lightroom develop keyboard shortcuts (ie: Copy Previous, Match Total Exposures, Copy, Paste, etc…)
3. Lightroom Commands: Select from a list of commands (ie: Auto Tone, Reset Crop, Next Photo, etc…)
For additional information on ShortCut Actions, Download the ShortCut Actions Guide.
Other new features
- NEW (macOS only): You can now swipe left / right to flip through your photos with a Magic Mouse or Trackpad
- NEW Preference: Enable or disable the heads up display
User preferences
LrSuperKeys now has its own dedicated configuration page.

Speed Menu
- The Speed Menu can now be vertically resized
- A new “Compact View” mode for the Speed Menu, allowing you to view more presets at one time

A fully licensed 14-day trial is now available.
You can download the LrSuperKeys macOS package here!
Fear not Windows user, LrSuperKeys version 4.0 is coming. It’s expected to be released in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!