Edit at the Speed of Creativity.
Simplify & Speed up your editing workflow.
The ultimate, All-In-One editing add-on
for Lightroom Classic!
The ultimate, All-In-One editing add-on
for Lightroom Classic!
LrSK is an add-on to Lightroom Classic that seamlessly enables Speed Key Editing,
provides powerful key mapping, and a custom Speed Menu!
Free 14-day trial
Quotes from the Pros
“The best Lightroom Classic plug-in ever”
Thomas @ fotopodcast.de
“The best Lightroom plugin for editing your images”
Testimonials from our Talented users
Super Keys changed my way of editing! Literally! Editing right now is so fast and so fun for me! I love the speed menu so much – now I can activate my saved brushes or gradients in one click! Hotkeys and action keys are accessible for almost all commands and settings – I can program them the way I need! My last record was editing 90 photos in 10 minutes!!! That’s including brushes and radial filters! 60-70% time-saving!
I’ve been using LrSuperkeys v3 for quite some time. I use lots of brush presets for my editing, and finally with LRSK it was possible to access my favorite brushes via the SpeedMenu in no time – instead of scrolling through the brush list in Lightroom.
Now with v4 and the new Action Keys, my brushes are even accessible via a single key press.
LRSK is one of the most practical tools I have used so far – it makes editing in Lightroom way more fun and so much faster.
Now with v4 and the new Action Keys, my brushes are even accessible via a single key press.
LRSK is one of the most practical tools I have used so far – it makes editing in Lightroom way more fun and so much faster.
I’ve used better touch tool, VSCO keys, spent far too much money on hardware like a Loupedeck and this is finally a piece of software that does it all and better! As well as delivering shortcuts that Lightroom DOESN’T provide, it also allows you to keep the ones you love. With an intuitive interface and easy setup, I’ve now changed my workflow and it’s sped my editing way up! So rock-solid software and amazing customer service! Now that Pfixer is being discontinued…this is the software you need!!!
I was intrigued enough to download a 14-day trial, the main thing I was interested in was the ‘Action Keys’, one keypress to apply a preset. . . I’ve used other plugins previously that performed the tasks I’m after, but they were very cumbersome and temperamental. What a pleasant surprise then when I installed LrSK, it’s very simple to set up and a breeze to use. . . once I was fully up and running with the ‘Action Keys’, I started to use the ‘Speed Keys’ and OMG what a timesaver! This wasn’t what I’d downloaded the plugin for, but has proved to make a huge difference to my workflow.
What makes it so amazing?

Are you On the go?
No need to pack a device Or clutter up desk space!
The Speed Menu
Select & Lighten your Subjects using the Speed Menu
Here’s an example of how using the Speed Menu can quickly select and dodge the subject in your image.
This sequence can also be performed with an Action Key
How it’s done
- Hold down the Tab key to reveal your Speed Menu
- Click on the “Select Subject” icon for Dodge
- Release the Tab key to hide the Speed Menu
- Quickly make adjustments to your selection if needed with Speed Keys
- That’s it!
Free 14-day trial